DQL filter Lambda build in metrics Set up metric events for alerting DQL Dynatrace videos Dynatrace Pattern Language https://dt-url.net/dpl-hub
Easy LogIn
WordPress easy login to make website private: https://www.greengeeks.com/tutorials/force-login-before-visitors-access-wordpress/
Typescript notes
PropTypes – stackoverflow link Typescript and PropTypes serve different purposes. Typescript validates types at compile time, whereas PropTypes are checked at runtime.
AWS Connect Metrics
Realtime Metrics Definitions Historical Metrics Definitions Virtual Hold Call Back the callbacks can stay in queue for up to 7
DynamoDb to Redshift
Loading data from DynamoDB into Amazon Redshift A copy operation from a DynamoDB table counts against that table’s read capacity.
AWS Websocket Step Function Notes
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: ‘2010-09-09’ Description: A stack that creates the resources required to complete the Amazon API Gateway WebSocket tutorial. Resources: ConnectionsTable:
AWS Websocket Chat Example Notes
Resources: ConnectionsTable8000B8A1: Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table Properties: KeySchema: – AttributeName: connectionId KeyType: HASH AttributeDefinitions: – AttributeName: connectionId AttributeType: S ProvisionedThroughput: ReadCapacityUnits: 5
Websocket simple nodejs examples
Here is an example of a complete Node.js script that listens for a response from a WebSocket server: const WebSocket
Update Lambda to Console
Tutorial video npm init npm -i –save (libraries) open in code, create handler function in index.js zip -r deploy.zip ./
Use indexedDB
Basics API usage