Step function possible states

There are 7 possible states in a Step Function:

Task: A Task state represents a single unit of work performed by a Step Function. A task can be an AWS Lambda function, an AWS Step Functions activity, or an integration with another AWS service.
Wait: A Wait state pauses the execution of a Step Function for a specified amount of time or until a specified date and time.
Choice: A Choice state allows you to make a decision based on the output of a previous state.
Succeed: A Succeed state marks the end of a Step Function execution successfully.
Fail: A Fail state marks the end of a Step Function execution with an error.
Parallel: A Parallel state allows you to run multiple tasks in parallel.
Map: A Map state allows you to run a task for each item in a collection.

You can also use the following states in your Step Functions:

End: This state marks the end of a Step Function execution.
Pass: This state passes the execution to the next state without doing any work.
Retry: This state retries a failed task a specified number of times.
Catch: This state allows you to handle errors that occur in a Step Function.
The type of state that you use depends on the specific task that you want to perform. For example, if you want to run an AWS Lambda function, you would use a Task state. If you want to pause the execution of a Step Function for a specified amount of time, you would use a Wait state.