Twilio Event Stream

  • Trust that your events will be queued if your system goes down and delivered as soon as they’re back up with queuing of event delivery for up to 24 hours
  • Rest API to Fetch Event Types supported 
  • List of Event Types
  • Event Streams is additive and will not replace existing webhooks
  • Max Retention period for Application Logs through Event streams will be 7 days
  • Max Retention period for Error Logs will be 23 days at the account level
  • Data is sent to Kinesis in the CloudEvents format. For Kinesis the Data is automatically base64 encoded/decoded by the SDK.
  • Voice Insight Call summary
    • Completed all summaries are typically available within a few minutes after the call ends, though it may take up to 30 minutes for all the details to be aggregated and displayed.  If information is not yet available, Twilio returns error 20404 or http 404.
    • curl "" \
      -u account_sid:token
    • Advanced Features