Loading data from DynamoDB into Amazon Redshift A copy operation from a DynamoDB table counts against that table’s read capacity.
Tag: AWS dynamoDB
AWS DynamoDB
Git hub example code Working with Timestamps Note for putItem, N is expecting a string so here’s an example: await
Reprocess AWS DB Stream
Note: DLQ for failed lambda invokation stores stream information, not the record itself Solution: You need to call get-shard-iterator, and then
DynamoDB CLI
Export tab separated data aws dynamodb scan ` –table-name table_name ` –query “Items[*].[Id.S, Status.S]” ` –region us-wet-2 ` –output text
DynamoDB Locking, Conditional Writes
Optimistic locking with version number may not be available for nodejs Atomic counters idempotence refers to the ability of a system
DynamoDB Data Stream
Basic Functionality Deal with Failure dynamoDB->lambda->cloudwatch aws-dynamodb-stream-lambda github sample code new item->dynamoDB->dynamoDB stream->lambda->sns New items dynamoDB stream to lambda tutorial